Steve working on Phinix in the maintenance area at Tehuacan, which was under a large permanent translucent canopy. It made a great place to work on a car. Plenty of room, lots of ventilation.
We managed to leave Tehuacan this morning in the lead group of about 15 cars that was escorted two abreast by the police through town at high speed. It was an impressive sight and a load of fun.
We ran La Bufa twice this afternoon. One of its most dangerous features is the grand view of the mountains and the town of Zacatecas below. It's easy to become distracted as you burst upon it, but you have to keep your attention on the road. We encountered two cows on the road in a tight turn, but missed them both.
Pierre de Thoisy (right) and Frederic Stoesser are one of the leading teams in the race. Pierre has won this race six times in this car. He's also raced at LeMans for BMW and in the Cannonball Run.
Phinix in the Plaza in Zacatecas.
Phinix in the Plaza in Zacatecas.